Use Case for Apex Managed Sharing: Wealth Management
Reading time: 3 minutes
Sharing and record access can be a tricky concept in Salesforce, and with Apex Managed Sharing as an option, it becomes even more complex and options are nearly limitless. So when and why would a system admin or developer leverage this functionality? There are cases where the flexibility of the platform’s declarative options are simply not flexible enough to meet business requirements, and this occurs in a variety of ways:
Logic needs to look across multiple objects for “criteria-based” sharing
Logic needs to look at record owner, and then use a complex approach to sharing the record
Business leverages ad hoc teams, and these drive record access on custom objects
Entitlements are managed externally to Salesforce, and Salesforce must inherit these changes

10 Ways Mobile Technology Revolutionized Wealth Management
Reading time: 2 minutes recently shared a top 10 list focusing on the how mobile technology has transformed the wealth management industry. The wealth management industry has been a late adopter to mobile technology, though this isn’t surprising given the stringent regulatory environment and privacy issues that govern the industry.
So what made the wealth management industry embrace mobile? Let’s take’s list a step further and dive into the technology behind it; here is my version of the 10 ways Salesforce and mobile technology has transformed the wealth management industry: