The Silverline Blog
Industry insights, Salesforce news, and more
Industry insights, Salesforce news, and more
Reading time: 3 minutes
PepUp Tech is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help the underrepresented community and diversify the tech industry. They have many programs to help this cause, one of which I was part of: the PepUp Tech Salesforce Bootcamp. The program teaches what Salesforce is and how it works. We walked through trails in Trailhead...
Reading time: 3 minutes
As a Salesforce MVP, I’ve had my fair share of Salesforce events. I’ve attended 30+ Community events, including Dreamforce, and I’m a 6x (soon to be 7x) Dreamforce speaker. Dreamforce is my favorite week of the year and this year will be my fifth consecutive year attending. I can’t believe the awesomeness we have to...
Reading time: 3 minutes
Why Get Certified at Dreamforce You may be thinking that Dreamforce already means a packed schedule and that there are so many sessions to see, people to meet, and events to go to… so how is there time to take a certification exam? Fortunately, Salesforce has made it easy to do so at the event...
Reading time: 4 minutes
Dreamforce 2019 is this November 19-22 in foggy San Francisco, CA. Chances are if you’re reading this — you’re going! And it’s your first time! Congratulations are in order. You’ve likely been inundated with lots of information about Dreamforce, or not nearly enough. We’d like to break it down for you and highlight what makes...
Reading time: 3 minutes
Oh my! It’s the second day of Dreamforce and the jet lag, events, and walking around to all the booths have started to catch up with you! Where do I get coffee near Dreamforce?! Dreamforce is amazing… but it can also be exhausting. There is a lot to take in, people you need to meet,...
Reading time: 3 minutes
If you are lucky enough to have met the love of your life, you probably remember certain details about your meeting – where you were, what they were wearing, what they said. My introduction to Salesforce was similarly memorable. In 2003, I was working in sales operations for a Fortune 500 company in Nashville. I...