To set your preferred timezone, follow these steps:
- Go to CalendarAnything Settings.
- Select Admin Settings.
- Select Timezones. The Timezones settings page appears.
- You can filter the timezones listed in the Available panel by entering a filter value in the Search field.
- Move your preferred timezone from the Available panel to the Selected panel.
- Click Save.
Note! | If there are no selected timezones in Admin Settings > Timezone, you will be able to select from all timezones. If there are selected timezones in Admin Settings > Timezone, only those timezones will display as options. |
Using the Server Timezone
By default, the calendar shows information based on your local timezone. To use the server timezone, follow these steps:
- Go to CalendarAnything General Settings.
- Select Advanced.
- Find and select the Use Server Timezone field.
- Click Save.