Follow the steps below to show events/ tasks on an embedded account calendar where the event/ task doesn’t have the “related to” filled in but the “Name” is a contact on the account. This is possible using dynamic filters. Standard Salesforce shows those events/ tasks on the account even if the related to isn’t filled out because they are a contact on the account.
Step 1: Edit your event or task calendar
Step 2: Select the filter item in the calendar edit picklist.
Step 3: Add dynamic filters
- Add “Related To” equals and then click “Dyn”
- Add “Account” equals and then click “Dyn”
**Note in this example Account was renamed to Organisation. if your accounts were renamed search for the the new label.
Step 5: Add the code below to a new visualforce page. Note: The highlighted part will need to be changed to reflect the name of your calendars.
<SLCA2:calendar namespace="SLCA2"
edit : true,
create : true,
detail : true,
move : true,
hover : true,
contextEvent : true,
contextCalendar : true,
contextArea : true,
cloneSharing : true