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In this article you will have access to:

How to create a custom calendar Visualforce page tab

Create a custom calendar Visualforce page tab by predefining certain URL and component parameters from the table below. For a full overview of the steps, see the guide to creating custom Visualforce page tabs.

Copy and paste this template page code:

<apex:page showHeader="true" showChat="false" sidebar="false"&gt;
<div style="min-height:1000px;">
<SLCA2:calendar namespace="SLCA2"
edit : true, 
create : true, 
detail : true, 
move : true, 
hover : true, 
contextEvent : true, 
contextCalendar : true, 
contextArea : true,
cloneSharing : true


URL parameters

Explanation of what URL parameters are, how they’re used, and relevant links.

Table1. URL Parameters
siteDefines whether or not CalendarAnything shows on a public site. This means that connect.js is not usable and certain functionality that is not available to site users will be
pv[1-10]Filter value for dynamic filters. Each number is linked to a filter for one or more calendars.

List of applied filters defined as “filter” parameters.

ps(1-10)The same as pv(1-10) but for Custom Group By (Swimlane and Day Grouping mode.)ps1=AAA&ps2={!Contact.ID}
calendarDefines one or more calendars to load when CalendarAnything starts. You can use the calendar-friendly name instead of the ID.calendar=Events
cidThe same as “calendar.” Defining this disables the left panel.cid=Event_Cal
filterDefines the list of calendars to apply dynamic filters (pv[1-10]) to. You can use Calendar ID or friendly name.filter=Tasks

Display / hide left panel;:

– 0 makes calendar sidebar visible (even if “cid=…” parameter is present in the URL).

– 1 hides full calendar sidebar and displays collapsed calendar side bar.

– 2 hides all calendar sidebars.

hhMaximize CalendarAnything to take all available space in the layout.hh=1
htDisable CalendarAnything header
urlSet the default external URL for “event bar details” behavior. The URL can include the \[id\] substring; this will be replaced with the element ID at runtime.url=/apex/detailpage/[id]

Start mode views:

– a: agenda

– c: custom

– d: day

– g: gantt

– da: agenda in day view

– m: month

– w: week

– wa: agenda in week view

– s: swimlane


Gantt view mode:

– hour

– day

– week

– month

– quarter

g_pGantt view period: 

number of months to display. Setting the period as “0” means there are no limits.

g_p=12 // one year;
dateStart datedate=2013-11-30
l_dsMy Calendars button. Setting to “0” disables the button.l_ds=0
l_pLeft button. Setting to “0” disables the button.l_p=0
l_nRight button. Setting to “0” disables the button.l_n=0
l_tToday button. Setting to “0” disables the button.l_t = 0
c_tCurrent Date title / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.c_t=0
r_dDay mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_d=0
r_wWeek mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_w=0
r_mMonth mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_m=0
r_gGantt mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_g=0
r_cCustom mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_c=0
r_aAgenda mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_a=0
r_sSwimlane mode / button. Setting to “0” disables the button.r_s=0
tzTime Zone IDtz=Asia/Shanghai
restPrefixPrefix for Subpages (like Community)restPrefix=/somesubpage
restVAPI Version for  REST CallsrestV=41.0
apexDescribeNumber of Objects Describes requests per one APEX executionapexDescribe=20

Component parameters


Table 2. Component parameters
calendarList of calendar IDs to display in the left panel. CA_ACCESSIBLE  – means all calendars are available to the user.calendar=”Event,Task”
enabledList of calendar IDs to enable. Comma delimited.

Or JSON formatted parameters for calendars: {‘CALENDAR’ : [true|false|’default’]};

– ‘default’ – the first time it is loaded on that machine the calendar will be enabled but after that it will follow the user’s preferences.

– true  – enables the calendar even if user has disabled it previously.

– false – disables the calendar even if user has enabled it previously.

Calendar friendly name can be used.

Also other predefined values are available:

– CA_ALL means all visible calendars turn on

– CA_SF means all standard calendars

– CA_GROUP – all groups

– CA_WEB – all web calendars

– CA_ENABLED – default values from CA UI



‘Event’ : true,

‘Task’ : false,

‘Opportunity’ : ‘default’


createableList of calendar IDs/friendly names availablein the QuickCreate dialogue.createable=”Event,Task”
namespaceCA NameSpace. Has to be set to SLCA2namespace=”SLCA2″
settingsJSON format visual settings.settings=”{}”
userAdditionalSettingsJSON format user settings.userAdditionalSettings=”{‘noleft’:’true’, ‘maximize’ : ‘false’, ‘dayModeArea’:’1_9′}”
viewStart view: month, day, agenda, week, custom, gantt, swimlaneview=”month”
dateStart datedate=”2013-01-22″
filterList of values for dynamic filters; JSON object that includes 2 keys:

– filtersPV – PV0-9 filter values, STRING, splitted by “:.:” substring

– filtersApplyTo – list of calendars  that  have to use filters criteria; STRING with splitted by comma IDs / Friendly Names


‘filtersPV’ : ‘ABC:.:123:.:012345678901234’,‘filtersApplyTo’ : ‘CALENDAR_ID1,CALENDAR_FRIENDLY2’


urlparamsList of parameters described in Table 1urlparams=”l_p=0&v=m”
cssPath to external CSS file that loads after CA starts. Can be used to override CA styles.css=”/css/mystyles.css”
readonlyBoolean / JSON settings to disable certain edit functionality.

– true disables ALL interactive functionality, such as edit, creating events, calendars, etc.

– false enables all interactive functionality. This is the  default.

– JSON parameters (key1 : BOOLEAN, key2 : BOOLEAN);
To enable the option, set the boolean to true and to disable, set it to false.
List of options

edit enables event editing

– create  adds new events

detail shows external details by double click

move  – changes event bars

hover displays hover popup (internal CA details)

contextEvent shows context menu for event bars

contextCalendar hides or shows calendar context menu. If false, it also hides calendar groups and Web calendars sections if there are no calendars to display.

contextArea shows context menu for visible mode area

cloneSharing copies sharing rules for cloning calendar

– contextCalendar displays Calendar Context Menu

– contextFilter displays FilterSet Context Menu





funcExternal API functions declaration. See detailed description.func=”{ready:SomeFuncName}”

JS functions (func parameter)


Table 3. JS Functions (function parameter)
readyoAPI – link to current CA ObjectLaunches when CA finishes all startup procedures.function(oAPI){

alert(‘CA started successfully!’)


calendarTogglesCalendar – calendar IDevent handler when user enables or disables a calendar in the left panel.

Return false if you want to prevent action.

function(sCalendar, bMode) {

if (sCalendar == ’01aAAA’) {

return false;



bMode – true / false = enable / disable
eventHoveraEvents – List of events split by calendars;


Fires when user clicks on the event bar (or starts hover popup).

Return false to prevent action

event – JS event
requestaAjaxParams – request parametersFires when a JS remoting request is sent to SF or a response is received from SF.Use this to calculate some metrics
eventDetailnEventId – ID of eventFires when a user double clicks on an event bar or opens an external details URL.

Return false to prevent action.

event – JS event
eventEditsCalendar – calendar IDFires when user starts editing an event in the QuickCreate form.

Return false to prevent action.

sEvent – Item ID
eventEditCalendarSelectparams – JSON with new event dataFires when a user opens the quick creation dialogue (calendar selection step).
event – JS event
eventEditCalendarSelectoPopup – link to DOM CA popupFires when a user starts calendar edit dialogue.
calendarEditoPopup – link to DOM CA popupFires when user opens calendar edit form.
externalLinksEventID – ID of eventFires when a user clicks on References in the hover popup.
event – JS Event

JS API methods


Table 4.  JS API methods
calendarOnsId – Calendar ID / Friendly NameToggles calendar on. Loads from server if necessary.
calendarOffsId – Calendar ID / Friendly NameToggles calendar off.
getDateGet current CA Date
setDatemDate – Date (mixed)Changes CA Date.
getViewReturns current mode name.
setViewsMode – Mode nameToggles mode.
getDayDatadDay – date for requestGet Events for some date
setFuncsName – function nameSets a custom handler for certain CA events.

Choose from the list of events described in Table 3.

fFunc – function description
editEventDialoguemCalendar – calendar id / friendly nameStarts Quick Creation dialogue for a calendar and event.

If calendar is undefined – displays the calendar selection popup.

sEvent – event id
oEvent – JS Event
setCalendarPropertiessCalendar – calendar ID / Friendly NameSets special handlers for a specific calendar.

See details in Table 5.

aProp – JSON property for calendar
changeParamsaParams – JSON like parameters objectSets user settings parameter at run time.
getParamsName – String – parameter nameGet parameter value, null if not found.
getCalendarPropertysCalendar – calendar Friendly Name / IDGet some property of calendar
sProp – Property name
setViewSettingssView – name of the VIEW, like month,day ..

aProperties – JSON format

Set some view special properties.
setCalendarFiltersCalendar – calendar Friendly Name / IDSet Calendar Quick Filter.
aFilters – List of Filters
sRule – Custom Rule ([])
fFunc – Function to execute after setting
getCalendarsaFilter – CriteriasGet the list of calendars by criteria.
setFiltersPanelaParams – JSON:Set FilterSet / Filter  panels.
fields – list of fields like [‘common|createdby’, ‘event|subject’],

objectname|fieldname, “common” – default object field

id – some unique ID – String
type – always “custom”
criteria – Available criteria to choose:

– name – field name  (API field name)

– oper – equal, contains, includes – operation type

– object – name of the field`s object

– text – text representation – used for Reference

– value – value for filter

addCalendarMenuAdd  Calendar Context Menu Option

sTitle – menu title

fFunc(sId, evt) – function

addEventMenuAdd  Event Context Menu Option

sTitle – menu title

fFunc(sId, sCalendarId, evt) – function

addAreaMenuAdd  Area Context Menu Option

sTitle – menu title

fFunc(dDate, evt) – function

addEventHoverButtonAdd Custom Button to the Hover Event Detail Popup

sTitle – button label

fFunc(sId, evt) – function

fShow(sId) – function to determine to show or to hide the button

refreshRefresh data
printPrint current view

Calendar specific event handlers


Table 5. Calendar specific event handlers
togglebMode – Enable or DisableFires when calendar becomes enabled / disabled
eventHoveraAll – JSON  with calendars and their eventsFires when user clicks on the event bar for this calendar
event – JS Event
eventEditeventId – Item IDFires when user tries to open QuickCreate dialogue for this calendar
event – JS Event

Display settings/user settings


Table 6. Display settings / user settings

syntax is:

userAdditionalSettings=”{‘Non-BooleanParameterName’:’Value’,’BooleanParameterName’:true}” NOTE: API name for object or field should be lower case 

ParameterPossible valuesDescription
sizesmall | middle | largeSize of event bars (height and font size)
gradienton | offDisplay event bars with gradient (requires more resources from browser)
modemonth | week | day | custom | agenda| gantt | swimlaneStarting mode
startWeekDay0-6 (from Sun to Sat)Starting day of a week
showWeekEnds5 | 6 | 7Display weekends (5 – up to Friday, 6 – also Saturday, 7 – all week)

5 and 6 only available with startWeekDay=0

monthWeeks0 | 60 – Auto height of week rows on month view , 6 – display 6 week rows
extendendRangetrue | falseQuery extended date range in month view – one month before and one month after
startHourPeriod0-23Start hour for timing area
stopHourPeriod0-23End of timing area
minMinutePeriod60 | 30 | 15 | 10 | 5Size of one cell in timing area
dayModeArea0_1 | 1_9 | 1_2 | 1_1 | 1_0Set the visibility and the size of timing area:

Only timing | 10% day  – 90% timing | 33% – 67% | 50% – 50% | only day

nonWorkingHoursDisplayhide | show | paintHow to display non-working hours.
dayViewAdditionalFieldstrue | falseDisplay additional fields for Daily Area (Bottom; only for Grouping and Default mode)
customModemanual | 2d | 3d | 4d | 5d | 6d | 7d | 2w | 3w | 4wCustom view mode

manual | several days | several weeks (rows)

customModeRows1 – 8Number of rows (customMode=manual is required.)
customModeCols1-14Number of cells (customMode=manual is required.)
customModeArea0_1 | 1_3 | 1_2 |  1_1 | 1_0Set the size of timing area:

Time Only | 25% Day / 75% Hour | 33% Day / 67% Hour |

 50% / 50% | All Day Only

ganttSplitday | week | month | quarterStarting mode of Gantt view
ganttPeriod0.1 | 0.7 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 12 | 36 | 120 | 0Gantt view period : number of months + all time ; 0.1 – one day, 0.7 – one week
ganttRespectHourstrue | falseRespect working hours in Gantt view.
ganttMaxPrintItems0-3000Maximum number of events that are available for printing in Gantt View
ganttCollapseFullLinetrue | falseCollapse Grouping One Line
ganttCollapseGroupingByDefaulttrue | falseCollapse Grouping by Default
ganttWideTitletrue | falseOpen wide title by Default
logLevel0 | 1 | 2Show log events : None | Errors | All
cacheTime0 – 300Data caching time (seconds)
apiCache0 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 24 | 168 | lazyAPI caching (hours / lazy – means postloading )
showTitles0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

0 – No Titles

1 – Compact (title only)

2 – Detailed (title start & end)

3 – Full Agenda (all fields defined in step 10)

4 – Detail Dialog (displays Details Dialog as if you clicked just on hover, can be annoying)

insideEdit0 | 1CA Labs parameter.
requestTimeout1 – 300Request timeout in seconds
showCreatingDatestrue | falseWhen this is set to true the create dialog will always show the start/end date fields that are being used by that calendar.
showScrollButtonstrue | falseDisplay scrolling buttons
loadLastPeriodtrue | falseLoad only the last selected period. When the user rapidly clicks on “prev” or “next” this will wait until the user stops clicking and only load the last period.
extendendRangetrue | falseQuery extended date ranges (for month view adds +- 1 month)
parallelRequests1-10Parallel requests to server; number of requests for events
swimlanePresettrue | falsePreset Swimlane value with Quick Creation; set value for assign to / owner id field
uiSearchtrue | falseDisplay search field
swimlaneFieldLabelstrue | falseDisplay agenda field labels in the Swimlane View
agendaFieldLabelstrue | falseDisplay agenda field labels in the Agenda   View / day + week “agenda” submode / print version / event titles
sf1FieldLabelstrue | falseDisplay agenda field labels in the Salesforce Mobile App
swimlaneScrollingtrue | falseEnable swimlane scrolling (changes date when getting to the end of the timeline)
swimlaneOneDayAllDaytrue | falseIf false – do not display “Allday” or Dates for only one day AllDay event
swimlaneCell25 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 300Swimlane cell width for day mode
agendaEmptyDaystrue | falseDisplay empty days for the agenda view
useSFLookupalways | auto | never

Use SF UI lookups

– always (before that – “true” ) means using the SF lookup in any case for all lookups fields

– auto (before that – “false”) means using  the SF lookup only for  dependency fields

– never – disable using the SF lookup for all cases (even for dependency fields)

weekViewAgendatrue | falseEnable the Agenda submode in the Week view
dayViewAgendadefault | agenda | grouping

Set submode in the Day view:

– default – standard mode (old value – false);

– agenda – agenda like style (old value – true);

– grouping – swimlane like mode

hideNotify“all” | “message”Hide all (errors + notifications) or just notifications
confirmDeletetrue | falseAsks user for deleting events
fastStarttrue | falseSpeed up the loading process – CA loads only visible calendars objects info in the beginning
addonschatterList of enabled addons separated by comma
agendaPrintCurrentMonthtrue | falsePrint current Month
agendaEmptyDaystrue | falseShow Empty Days in Agenda View
agendaFieldLabelstrue | falseDisplay field labels in Agenda view
swimlaneDefaultGroupByempty or some field or some UserList ID (18 chars)Default Swimlane grouping field or user list view
swimlaneDefaultPeriodday | hourDefault Swimlane period type
swimlaneDisplayStartEndDatetrue | falseDisplay Date in the Datetime fields for viewed date
swimlaneShowWeekDaytrue | falseDisplay Day  of Week
acceptReminderDDtrue | falseRequires implementation
barLabelTime‘no’ – no start / end,

‘start’ – start time only,

‘end’ – start + end

Add Start / End date – time on the event  label
closeheadtrue | falseNo display settings
closelefttrue | falseNo display settings
customHourlyAreaStringNot used

’round’, ‘line’, ‘half’, ‘bulb’, ‘koso1’, ‘koso2’, ‘koso3’

Different background image for event bars; No display settings
ganttPrintOldSchooltrue | falsePrint as HTML for IE; Not used
ganttShowUnvisibletrue | falseRespect Working Hours in Gantt view
langString; ‘en’,’ru’,’uk’CA UI language
maximizetrue | falseTurn on full screen mode; No display settings
monthDayMoreWidthString; ‘1’Not used; always ‘1’
nolefttrue | falseNo display settings
printAsImagetrue | falsePrint all views as Image
rememberTimeScrolltrue | falseAlways false; No display settings
showAdditionalFieldstrue | falseShow additional fields in the Calendar Edit form
swimlaneEnableGroupBytrue | falseDisplay Group by fields option
swimlaneEnablePresetstrue | falseDisplay Custom Grouping option
swimlaneEnableListViewstrue | falseDisplay User Listview option
multiContactsInEventtrue | falseEnable Multi Contacts Events
respectReminderDDoff | sf | ca

Support reminders for events:

– off – disable reminder

– sf – Salesforce reminders

– ca – CA reminders

uiAdvancedSearchtrue | falseAlways false; Not used
uiSearchtrue | falseDisplay search
uiTodaytrue | falseDisplay Today button
uiFiltertrue | falseDisplay Filter Panel
uiFilterSetstrue | falseDisplay Filter Sets panel
displayTimeZonetrue | falseDisplay Time Zone selector
longClicktrue | falseEnables Long click for dragging and droppingevents (quick creation / resizing / moving)
layoutThemedefault| lightningDefault or Lightning Layout
displayNewICALtrue | falseEnable new iCal / oAuth
uiMobileCACalendartrue | falseEnable using of CA Datepicker for Mobile Devices
autoHideHovertrue | falseAuto Hide Event Details popup
fullDaySortBydate | date_calendar |

calendar_date | calendar_sorting |

date_calendar_sorting | calendar_date_sort


Sort Day Details Popup Events:

– By Date and Title

– By Date, Calendar, and Title

– By Calendar, Date, and Title

– By Calendar, Sorting Field, and Title

– By Date, Calendar, Sorting Field, and Title

– By Calendar, Date, Sorting Field, and Title

– By Calendar, Sorting Field, Date, and Title

uiCalendartrue | falseNot used; Show datepicker
swimlaneEnableGroupstrue | falseShow Public Groups in Swimlane Selector
swimlaneGroupIncludeSubgrouptrue | falseLoad  Subgroups users in Public Groups
swimlaneGroupIncludeRoletrue | falseLoad  Roles users in Public Groups
swimlaneGroupHierarchytrue | falseUse Hierarchy in Public Groups
useSFTimeZonetrue | falseUse Server TZ
nativeNumberstrue | falseSupport Locale Number Fields
customSettingGroupdefault | StringReserved for Custom Settings Group
companyLogoStringPrint mode Logo (URL)
monthOnlyOnetrue | falseShow only one month
monthExtendScrolltrue | falseExtend period while scrolling in month view
monthShowMonthtrue | falseShow Month names on cells
ganttShowStartWeektrue | falseMark Start Week Day
newLoadingtrue | false
qcAutoEnable‘auto’ | ‘off’ | ‘on’Enable Calendar after Quick Creation
agendaAutoOpentrue | falseAuto Open Fields in Lightning App
alwaysBrowserTabtrue | falseIn Lightning Open Records in New Browser Tab

Special settings test cases


Table 7. Special Settings test cases
Title: Log Events Show

Summary: “Log Events Show” allows you to show/hide information about the performed actions and errors

Preconditions: An Editable Calendar “Event” on the Event object with standard fields Start, End fields selected as Entry Start and Entry End is created.

OrderStep ActionsExpected results
1Select Log Events Show=Off. Quick create 15 days event on “Event” calendar.Event isn’t created. No error message is shown.
2Select Log Events Show=Off. Quick create one-day event on “Event” calendar.Event is successfully created. No message is shown.
3Select Log Events Show=Errors. Quick create 15 days event on “Event” calendar.Event isn’t created. The red error message in the top of the calendar page is shown, that says “Event duration can not be longer than 14 days.” Message disappears in a few seconds or can be closed with “x” button.
4Select Log Events Show=Errors. Quick create one-day event on “Event” calendar.Event is successfully created. No message is shown.
5Select Log Events Show=Show All. Quick create 15 days event on “Event” calendar.Event isn’t created. The red message in the top of the calendar page is shown, that says “Event duration can not be longer than 14 days.” Message disappears in a few seconds or can be closed with “x” button.
6Select Log Events Show=Show All. Quick create one-day event on “Event” calendar.Event is successfully created. The green message “Event is created successfully” is shown. Message disappears in a few seconds or can be closed with “x” button.

Print parameters

Table 8. Print Parameters
ParameterPossible valuesDescription
emptyUserstrue | falseUsers with no events
onlyFirsttrue | falseNot used
maxItems0-Max Events / Cell
fontSize8-15Font Size
emptyExtratrue | falseDisplay Selected Date Range
oneLinetrue | falseTruncate Title
displayColortrue | falseDisplay Color Bars
showTimetrue | falseDisplay Time
showCaltrue | falseDisplay Calendar Name (Event Bar)
printCaltrue | falseDisplay Calendar Names (Header)
printPeriodtrue | falseDisplay Date Range
printFStrue | falseFilter Set Names
printAuthortrue | falseDisplay Author
splitMonthtrue | falseSplit By Month
showAddFieldstrue | falseDisplay Additional Fields


document.localStorage[''printSettings''] = '{'
+ '"emptyUsers" : false,'
+ '"onlyFirst" : false,'
+ '"maxItems" : 0,'
+ '"fontSize" : 12,'
+ '"emptyExtra" : false,'
+ '"oneLine" : false,'
+ '"displayColor" : false,'
+ '"showTime" : true,'
+ '"showCal" : true,'
+ '"showAddFields" : true,'
+ '"printCal" : false,'
+ '"printPeriod" : false,'
+ '"printFS" : false,'
+ '"printAuthor" : true,'
+ '"splitMonth" : false'
+ '}';


CA Lightning mobile extension/component properties

Table 9. CA Lightning Mobile Extension/Component properties

syntax is:

                      <design:attribute name=”name” label=”label” required=”true/false” default=”default value” description=”description text” />

JSON format example:


attribute namelabelrequireddefaultdescriptiondatasource
viewDefault View ModeFALSEThe View Mode to display at startup.Agenda,Week,DayGrouping,Day
calendarCalendars Available to EnableFALSEEnter Calendar ID or SiteCalendar Name from Step 1 of Calendar Settings. Multiple calendars can be separated by commas. Leave blank to show user’s selected calendars and groups from Display Settings.
enabledCalendars to Enable at StartupFALSEEnabled calendars show records. Enter Calendar ID or SiteCalendar Name from Step 2 of Calendar Settings. Multiple calendars can be separated by commas. Leave blank to display the last set of enabled calendars.
createableCalendars Available for New RecordsFALSEEnter Calendar ID or SiteCalendar Name from Step 2 of Calendar Settings. Multiple calendars can be separated by commas. Leave blank to show user’s selected calendars and groups from Display Settings.
heightHeightFALSE400Component height in pixels.
autohideDPAuto Hide DatePickerFALSETRUEWhen checked, the date picker will dismiss when a date has been selected.When unchecked the date picker can be turned on or off as a mode.
recordFilterFieldRecord Dynamic Filter FieldFALSERecord Dynamic Filter Field.
showModeSelectorDisplay Mode SelectorFALSEIf checked, a selector will be displayed in the UI to allow switching to a mode other than the Default mode.
showIcoCreateDisplay Create New Record IconFALSEIf checked, the New Record icon will be displayed in the main UI.
showIcoCalendarsDisplay Calendar SelectorFALSEIf checked, the Calendar Selector icon will be displayed in the main UI allowing you to enable calendars and groups.
showIcoRefreshDisplay Refresh IconFALSEIf checked, a refresh icon will be displayed. Clicking the refresh button will display the latest records for all enabled calendars.
showIcoTodayDisplay Today IconFALSEIf checked, a home icon will display. Clicking the home icon will bring you to and display records for today’s date.
useCAFormUse CalendarAnything Create FormsFALSEIf checked, will use a custom record create form based on Step 5 in Calendar Settings. Otherwise, will use standard new record layout for selected record type.
qcEnabledEnabled Calendars Only on CreateFALSEIf checked, will only display the currently selected set of calendars when creating new records. Otherwise, will display all calendars available to enable.
userAdditionalSettingsAdditional User SettingsFALSEJSON format

example: {“dayModeArea”:”0_1″}



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