This sample represents page code required to set multiple Filter Sets on custom CA Visualforce page
filterSets : [{ // list of JSON objects
“name”:”API Used”, // title
‘type’ : “custom”, // type – custom
“criteria” : [ // list of criterias
{“name”:”isalldayevent”,”object”:”event”,”oper”:”equal”,”value”:”on”,”text”:”on”}, // (name of the field, object name, operations, value, text value)
“id”:”f1″}, // id – any unique number
{“name”:”Test”, ‘type’ : “custom”, “criteria”:[{“name”:”isalldayevent”,”object”:”event”,”oper”:”equal”,”value”:”on”,”text”:”on”}], “id”:”f2″},
setFiltersPanel – is anew API function to define filterSets and filter fields
filterSets – is a parameter to define filterSets
It is an array and each element of array is an JSON object.
Each object includes:
- “name” – title of the filter set
- ‘type’ – special type for such filter sets, only custom is a correct value
- “criteria” – Array of criterias (split by comma)
Each Criteria is a JSON object:
- “name” – API lowercase name of the field
- “object” – API lowercase name of he object
- “oper”:”equal” – operation type, equal is a correct choice
- “value” – value for the field, it is different for different field types
- “text”: – text value for the criteria, used for Reference fields