I’m so excited to share Silverline’s new baby, our redesigned website with the world! Reading this, you might think I’m crazy (but I have two kids so I know from experience) that launching a website and having a new baby are a lot alike. Here’s 3 reasons why. First of all, it’s way more work than you think it’s going to be. Second, there is a certain amount of sleep deprivation involved; and third, you need to nurture and feed it to keep it growing and thriving. Like any new parent I could go on endlessly about how amazing our new little bundle of joy is, but I’ll let you see for yourself.
What’s new?
Silverlinecrm.com is now more mobile friendly, provides an improved overall visitor experience, and makes it easier to find the content you are looking for. Take a look at the industries we are experts in: Financial Services and Healthcare; and take a deeper dive into our Salesforce Platform expertise and services. You can also learn more about the Silverline Foundry, and explore the forward-thinking accelerators, apps, components, and templates we are developing to create greater value and accelerate innovation on the Salesforce platform.
Gain a unique understanding of how we engage and manage projects to streamline the success of the solutions we develop. With our new website structure, you will also learn about our people, our strategic partners, our amazing clients, and what it means to be a Silverliner. Learn how we can provide you with a competitive advantage, find solutions to improve your day-to-day business operations or contact us directly to discuss how we can turn your bright ideas into a tangible, game-changing solution.
I really hope you like our new and improved site. Let us know what you think, contact us today!
A big thank you to our designer and developer, Greg Nelson, for all his hard work!