Selenium Salesforce Solution
Increase test coverage and quality deliverables
Increase test coverage and quality deliverables
Selenium is an open-source testing tool for web applications that enables the creation of automated tests. Implementing Selenium with Salesforce allows organizations to combine Selenium’s automation capabilities with Salesforce’s CRM capabilities to automate testing across multiple platforms and increase test coverage and deliverability.
Test web applications across various browsers and operating systems concurrently, saving cost and time.
Extensive coverage of end-to-end, regression, and smoke test scenarios.
Web application testing is both efficient and accurate, reducing defects on the way to UAT or production.
Use a reusable and extendable suite of end-to-end, regression, and smoke test scripts.
As DevOps becomes more familiar to the Salesforce ecosystem, some teams are beginning to wonder about DevSecOps — a concept that has been trending in the wider world of software development. DevSecOps emphasizes the need to make sure security isn’t ignored when bringing together the people, processes, and tools for development and operations, helping organizations innovate faster and release more often.
Get the eBookSilverline is a Salesforce consulting partner with over a decade of experience helping organizations in the financial services, media and entertainment, and healthcare industries, digitally transform and improve their processes. Our industry experts often come with first-hand experience in the industries themselves, helping them tailor their recommendations to best practices surrounding your industry and what works best for your unique business needs. We’ve implemented Selenium with Salesforce before, and can help you find the best solution for your business.
Learn more about how Silverline can help you implement Selenium with Salesforce.