Finally, the long-awaited sequel to “4 Reasons Why Companies Make the Mistake of Skipping QA” is here — with a little April Fool’s Day snark.
Those of us who develop software, especially in the Salesforce ecosystem, are constantly met with the somehow always puzzling question “Do we need QA for this?” Your first thought may tend be: “Yeah, of course!” or “Duh” or something along the lines of “How can we deliver a quality solution without validating it?”… Well don’t let those thoughts stick!! I’m here today to walk you through a couple of the reasons why companies should absolutely positively be skipping QA in their development cycle.
1. Can’t find any bugs if you never look
_<Taps forehead>_ Off the bat, the first step is to call bugs a hoax. Then, once you’ve established they don’t exist in your reality, refuse to test for them even if they did. You would hate to prove yourself wrong. Honestly though, did you really want to find those bugs? Do you even have time to fix them if you did? Yeah, that’s what I thought. As long as we get the project done and we can go live with something, we’re good right?
2. More money, more problems
Nothing beats the feeling of chopping a line item off a budget like axing QA and testing, am I right? Not only will the development team do the testing (I’ve heard they love to test), but the entire team can use their ever abundant spare time to do additional testing. So why pay for an experienced, knowledgeable, dedicated, thorough QA engineer to do the testing?
3. Documentation, who needs it?
Sure, the QA team needs documentation to be able to validate acceptance criteria is met, but if there is no QA, then who really needs it? No one! And if you do decide to document something, you don’t have to worry about keeping it up to date for changing requirements — just work from memory and meetings.
4. Speed it up
Since no testing is being done at any stage of the development process, you can skip the measly (and time consuming) environment and deployment structure and just work directly in Prod. And with all that time saved, you can jam in a bunch of new, barely defined, obscure functionality instead of spending that time on validating what you’ve already built. Plus, with requirements changing so often as they tend to do, you don’t have to worry about pesky regression testing. Just change a feature in Prod and boom — it’s done.
The importance of skipping QA resources
Skipping QA and testing significantly reduces time required to deliver. So what if it also affects the solution quality — as long as something goes live. Sure, the elimination of QA increases risks to a project, team morale, and the overall effectiveness of the solution — but think of the budget savings!
If for some reason you’re still set on QA (a crazy notion if you ask me), Silverline can help you in your digital transformation journey.