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Leverage the Cloud for Unique, Impactful Solutions in Healthcare

By 04.22.14
Reading time: 2 minutes

According to an article on entitled “Healthcare finally warming to the Cloud”, which references Imprivata’s 2013 Desktop Virtualization Trends in Healthcare Report, it notates that only 30% of respondents were using the cloud. That’s a 21% increase over the prior year, but that still leaves 70% of healthcare organizations floating beneath the cloud, mainly due to lagging fear or uncertainty. This is changing.

The shift to coordinated and consumer driven Healthcare, while balancing the need for lower costs and improved quality, is rapidly requiring not only alternative investments in technology, but investments that promote innovation, support business strategy, and reinforce the competitive edge that organizations require.

How can a cloud first mentality can help Healthcare organizations establish an operational environment that is capable of delivering cutting-edge services, products, and solutions to all stakeholders – including patients?

With respect to technology adoption, education is one integral component in transforming healthcare into a leading-edge industry. To achieve this goal, here are some key things to avoid:

Poor Information – messaging around cloud technology is often inaccurate, complex, and not tailored to the audience. This leads to hesitancy and confusion, rather than excitement and adoption. Instead, as technologists and consultants, it is our job to communicate in a straightforward, logical, and effective manner as to the benefits of cloud relevant to the organization in question. This includes emphasizing successes as opposed to failures, demonstrating evolution within the space, and promoting shared goals.

Ambivalence to information – although “cloud” represents leading-edge technology, the problem is that the word “cloud” has become associated with so many different solutions, products, apps, and offerings that people tend to disregard the word. Why is this a problem? First off, there are varying levels of cloud applications and capabilities. Secondly, one size does not fit all. Finally, and probably most importantly, cloud is still not the norm in Healthcare as mentioned in the article.

Cloud platforms, as opposed to point solutions, offer a scalable, secure, flexible, and reliable backbone for a variety of different tools, applications, and solutions to drive your organization forward. The ability for your organization to deliver on its strategy is directly related to the accurate selection, implementation, and optimization of technology investments.

Learn more about how our Salesforce healthcare solutions can help your organization.

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