- Month View
- All Day Events
- Grouped by Calendar in the order listed in My Calendars
- Alphabetical Ascending Order within each calendar
- Timed Events
- By event start time
- When multiple entries exist for the same time
- Grouped by Calendar in the order listed in My Calendars
- Alphabetical Ascending Order within each group
- All Day Events
- Day/Week View
- All Day Events
- Grouped by Calendar in the order listed in My Calendars
- Alphabetical Ascending Order within each group
- Timed Events
- By event start time
- When multiple entries exist for the same time, display side by side with white border
- All Day Events
- Gantt View
- Grouped by Calendar in the order listed in My Calendars then, by “Grouped by” field from Step 2 in Picklist Order of the field then, by “SubGrouped by” field from Step 2 in Picklist Order of the field
- Within each grouping
- Sorted by Start Date, top of list is earliest start date
- When multiple events have same start date, Alpha Ascending