Within CalendarAnything, you have the ability to use the Lookup functionality native to the CalendarAnything interface, or you can choose to use standard Salesforce Lookup dialogs. Here, we’ll use the “Related To” field as an example.
CalendarAnything Lookup Functionality:
The CalendarAnything Lookup allows you to select from both standard and custom objects in the “Related To” field. This Lookup has typeahead functionality.
Once you’ve selected an object, the selected object will be stored in your local browser history as the default object to be used in the future. In this example, I’ve selected a record from the “TestScheduler” custom object. You can still use the picklist to choose a different object the next time you use this field.
Standard Salesforce Lookup Dialogs:
If you’d prefer to use the standard Salesforce Lookup dialogs, you can change the behavior across all calendars via the following steps:
1. Click “My Calendars”
2. Click “Display Settings”
3. In the “My Display Settings” tab, navigate to “Layout Settings”
4. Check the “Always Use Salesforce Lookup Dialogs” checkbox
5. Click Save
The Salesforce Lookup Dialogs leverage the default object functionality described above – so, if you want to use a custom object in the “Related To” field for a calendar, you’ll need to use the CalendarAnything lookup interface first in order to set the default object in your local browser storage. This can also be hardcoded into a custom visualforce page.
Now, when we navigate to the “Related To” Lookup in the calendar, the standard Salesforce Lookup dialog opens and defaults to the “TestScheduler” object that was selected earlier in this example.