Boostr for Salesforce Media Cloud
Transform ad sales order management
Transform ad sales order management
Advertising sales reps rely on a seamless handoff to ad operations teams after insertion order signature to ensure media plans are executed on time and to their advertiser’s specifications. But that process can quickly break down if the right capabilities are not in place, leading to dissatisfied advertisers and even potential revenue loss.
Salesforce Media Cloud provides media organizations with a breadth of APIs that allow the system to be integrated with existing order management systems such as Boostr. In conjunction with the ETL capabilities of the Mulesoft integration platform, connecting Media Cloud to Boostr gives teams the ability to automate this hand-off, ensuring that media plans built in Media Cloud are passed into Boostr for execution and fulfillment. All without the need to re-key information.
Once connected, order data easily flows between Media Cloud and Boostr for critical information, such as ad impressions or billing, so teams can do their jobs and fulfill advertisers’ needs.
Silverline helps media companies implement Media Cloud and build an effective integration between Media Cloud and Boostr. Companies get all the benefits of Media Cloud, like the ability to grow and monetize ad sales, plus improved order management. These are the advantages of connecting Media Cloud and Boostr:
Media plans contain a lot of information that often must be rekeyed into multiple systems, which can take too much time and result in potential mistakes. By automating the process between Media Cloud and Boostr, ad sales teams can increase efficiency and reduce errors.
Mulesoft helps prevent teams from having to swivel chair between Media Cloud and Boostr to see current order information. Teams can quickly view real-time campaign performance and pacing with greater visibility because Boostr and Media Cloud are in sync.
Silverline understands the media space and how to best customize workflows and processes to a media company’s specific needs. Silverline, along with our dedicated MuleSoft team, has a long history of building integrations between Salesforce and order management systems.
Silverline is a Salesforce consulting partner with over a decade of experience helping media and entertainment organizations transform their client experiences. With our media and technology expertise, we’ll make sure your Boostr Salesforce integration fits the best practices in your industry and also meets your unique needs.
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