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Our Silverline Mo-Bros

By Amanda Mandell 12.03.15

For the past few years, during the month of November, Silverliners have seen some interesting moustaches emerge on the faces of our colleagues. This year, the moustaches didn’t disappoint. A few brave men let their staches grow for a great cause!

If you aren’t familiar with Movember, it is a month long event where men grow moustaches to raise money for the Movember Foundation. The Foundation is a global charity committed to helping men living happier, healthier, longer lives. According to, since 2003, $650 million has been donated towards projects focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health & physical inactivity.

Silverline is proud to announce that we raised $6400 this year! You can still make a donation via our team page.


The final photo taken on November 30, 2015

When asked why they’re participating in Movember, here’s what a few of our team members had to said:

“This was my 4th year doing Movember. I started doing it based on a family member, a colleague and a friend who were all impacted by prostate cancer.” – Scott Snider

“I was a first timer on the Movember initiative. I wanted to make a positive impact on the top issues men face today and have some laughs with coworkers. MO on friends!” – Jess Gavic

“Because who hates charity? But honestly, because it actually is a great tool to spread awareness and a great conversation starter (or ender).” – Lenny Flecha

“This was my first year participating in Movember. In all honestly I participated this year because Scott Snider bought a razor and shaving cream and put it on my desk last time I was in the office. Haha! However, having been a part of it, I’m glad he did as it raises funds and awareness for men’s health issues that have impacted my friends and family in the past.” – Aron Jones

“I decided to join the Movember movement as it helps raise significant funding towards cancer research. Like many others some of my family members, friends, and colleagues have been affected by this horrible disease. It also doesn’t hurt that I look awesome with a moustache! -Ryan McNamara

“I enjoy the camaraderie with the other Mo Bros in the office (and the looks I get on the street.)” – Jonathan Snyder

Happy Shaving Men!

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