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Salesforce Lightning Migration

For businesses that have invested heavily in Salesforce, the move from Classic to Lightning can be daunting. Silverline can help with your Salesforce Lightning migration.

It’s no secret that Salesforce has defined Lightning as the path forward. For businesses that have invested heavily in Salesforce, the move from Classic to Lightning can be daunting. Even for straightforward, out-of-the-box organizations, there are a number of considerations when switching to Lightning, and that number increases with heavily customized Orgs.


The truth is, however, that a Salesforce Lightning migration doesn’t have to be big and scary. You can keep it small or you can transform your business. Either way, it’s possible to choose how and when the transition impacts your organization.

Getting Started

There are several reasons for migrating to Salesforce Lightning. Some want increased productivity and better reporting visuals. Others need a cleaner and more engaging interface with ready to use adoption-friendly features. The magic of Lightning is that there are endless other functionalities made possible with the right customization.

You, like many of our clients, are asking yourself questions like:

  • How do we leverage the power of Lightning?
  • Why should we make the switch?
  • What will the new UX look like for my team?
  • How will this impact our apps?
  • How can Lightning drive productivity?
  • How do we make the transition, responsibly?

The good news is, you’re in good hands.

Silverline has performed numerous migrations from Salesforce Classic to Lightning for companies of all shapes and sizes. We’re here to guide you, help you prioritize, develop a roadmap, and support you along the way.

laptop with Salesforce Lightning UI on workdesk

Transformation Roadmap

Classic to Lightning migration is not as simple as flipping the switch. The first and most important step is understanding where your organization is on the path to Lightning readiness. Silverline works with you to help understand how you can align your business goals with the benefits you can expect from the new Lightning platform.

Through these workshops, we identify the easiest place to get started with your migration and create a roadmap for success. Some components of the roadmap include:

Strategic goal alignment

Silverline understands that the transition to Lightning represents an investment for clients who have been working with the platform for some time. Our goal is to help clients identify the goals, rationale, and measurable value of this transition in a way that can be communicated to executives, board members, and end users alike.

The goal of transitioning to Lightning is ultimately to better support strategic, internal, and financial goals. We will walk your stakeholders step by step through an exercise to define strategic goals that Lightning features can address, and prioritize them on the roadmap.

business man selecting block at the scheme of hierarchy,

Adoption Evaluation

Just because you have Salesforce doesn’t mean everyone has bought in. This makes the transition plan even more critical. So, we start by evaluating the usage and adoption of your Salesforce Classic implementation and providing the right expertise to help understand and analyze your Salesforce Lightning Readiness Report.

This ensures that we not only reduce potential drops in utilization with the transition, but increase Salesforce user adoption overall.

businesswomen working on computer

Persona Definition

Our Salesforce consultants spend time helping you define personas within your organization, working with these groups to educate them about new Lightning components and features. These conversations help ultimately identify the functionality that will drive the most value and productivity for each group.

persona definition

Silverline will run the Salesforce Lightning experience readiness check and deliver an assessment report that provides expert analysis of all Salesforce features, configuration, and development impacted by the transition to the Lightning Experience. Our team will quickly help you understand the most tactical, technical considerations that will impact your Salesforce Lightning migration. We’ll also detail the level of effort required to enable Lightning for your users. Activities Include:

  • Lightning Readiness Report Analysis and Evaluation
  • Hardware & Software Review
  • Data Model Review
  • Integration Review
  • App Lightning Readiness Review
  • Technical Change Management Evaluation

The outcome is a Technical Gap Analysis Report that showcases areas where current state is either supported by or not ready for the Salesforce Lightning experience. The report also highlights potential solutions are possible with high-level estimates.

team assessment

Change Management

A Salesforce Lightning migration can involve significant changes to the way a company runs, including business processes and system enablement changes which inevitably impacts employees, partners, and customers. Managing change successfully is not trivial. When it is not consciously and proactively addressed, it can result in negative outcomes for both customers and employees. We get ahead of that by incorporating change management as part of the initial planning process.

business meeting change

First, we define a clear vision of the “why” behind the change (why do this at all?). Then comes the “what” (what you plan to accomplish?). Next, we tackle “how” (how will you measure success?). Once we know all that, we move on to the “when” (when do we get started and when do we go live?).

At Silverline, we tailor our project deliveries to fit your needs. Maybe you want to tackle a full blown project and transition as soon as possible. Or perhaps you’d rather partner with us to transition in phases to help reduce the immediate impact. No matter the ask, we’ve got you covered.

What's Stopping You From Moving to Lightning?

In order to keep — and hopefully dramatically increase — end-user and executive engagement, you need to create alignment and plan your migration thoughtfully. What are the first three critical steps you should take to facilitate a successful move to Lightning?

Download our guide to find out!

Download the ebook
what's stopping you from moving to salesforce lightning experience datasheet

What now? Managed Services

Go-live is just the beginning of an exciting and essential Salesforce Lightning migration. Many Salesforce customers and consultants focus all of their energy on the initial configuration of the platform but haven’t considered their long-term strategies for continued wins.

We know that much of the work starts after go-live. Silverline’s experienced Salesforce professionals are ready to assist with the strategic and technical components of your new Lightning org. Learn more about how Silverline can help make sure you are always ready for the next big thing.

Learn More
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