The Winter ‘19 release is right around the corner and brings with it new features and new things to prepare for. If you are a Financial Services Cloud user, there is a change introduced in Winter ‘19 that you should be aware of.
Before Winter ‘19, there was a single Lead referral record type that came out of the box with Financial Services Cloud.
With Winter ‘19, one of the goals with Financial Services Cloud is to bring parity to referrals of both business type and individual type. To help meet this goal, a second Lead referral record type was introduced.
In addition to adding a new Lead referral record type to help define the Business to Business banking process, there was also a change introduced to the original Lead referral record type.
The previously labeled “Referral” record type has been changed to “Person Referral” while maintaining the original API name of “Referral”. This change may seem small but if you developed any code or functionality that referred directly to the Record Type Name as opposed to the Developer Name you could have issues.
If you have code that references the Name directly like this:
Id RecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(‘Referral’).getRecordTypeId();
//OLD way – BAD
RecordTypeInfo leadRT = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(‘Referral’);
//new way – good
RecordTypeInfo leadRT = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get(‘THEAPINAME’);
Then you will need to update your code to use the DeveloperName instead of the Record Type Name. It is generally accepted best practice to use the API name and if you have done so, your code should be good to go.
That being said, make sure to check any similar references you may have in Process Builder:
As well as in your Lightning Component visibility settings in Lightning App Builder:
This could break functionality if you are not prepared to make the required changes in your Winter ‘19 sandbox now. When Winter ‘19 goes live, this will be pushed to your production org and any functionality you have that refers to the “Referral” Lead record type name will not function as expected.
This is also a great reminder that we should be using the API name on these references and that we should be thoroughly testing functionality in our Preview sandboxes for each release. Huge thank you to my teammate Sarah Grove for finding this and escalating it.
Have a question or want to learn more? Comment below.