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Silverline India Transforms Enabling Leadership’s Processes and Systems

By 05.30.24
Reading time: 3 minutes

Enabling Leadership (EL) is a Global Non-Profit Organization that runs programs using music, football, and Lego to enable children to have experiences and opportunities to learn leadership and life skills first hand.

EL relied on a very basic system of tracking donor leads (individual and corporate) and recording donor data and donations using spreadsheets and their website’s donor portal. This system involved manual effort and needed to be managed differently given that EL had been evolving technologically.

Enabling Leadership challenged by inefficient processes and systems

During discovery sessions, the Silverline India team realized EL would need significant technical support for it to evolve from a grassroots organization. It needed better tools and processes to move forward with its goals of gaining additional funding and hiring more staff.

EL needed a seamless and efficient process for gathering donor, donation, campaign, and lead information in a way that can easily be tracked and reported. The clunky process was fraught with bottlenecks in two main areas that the Silverline India team was able to resolve with Salesforce:

  • Donor, donation, and campaign management: While EL had an online portal for donors to log in, create campaigns, and make donations, there was no way for them to collectively report on these. Since they had multiple programs running across multiple locations, the admin user would manually collect the data from the portal database and create reports in Google Docs, which was a time-consuming process. This manual process was not scalable for long-term growth.
  • Lead management: EL was tracking and maintaining the entire life cycle of their individual and corporate leads in Google Docs. This was a very cumbersome and ineffective process that lost leads. 

Silverline India implements a maintainable and trackable solution

The Silverline India team’s goal was to automate EL’s processes with Salesforce. As a non-profit organization, EL could obtain Salesforce licensing at no cost for up to 10 users. Salesforce includes a non-profit starter pack with built-in functionality specifically focused on non-profit organizations. 

Key objectives 

  • Provide EL with a system to streamline their entire donor and lead management processes 
  • Configure the Salesforce platform in a way that is scalable for EL as their organization evolves 
  • Train EL staff to maximize the use of the system and provide them with the ability to make minor modifications

The Salesforce minimum viable product (MVP) created by the Silverline India team included the following:

  • Donor and donation management in Salesforce integrated with their existing portal
  • Offline donor and donation management in Salesforce
  • Ability to send single and bulk email communication to donors
  • Migration of existing donor and donation records in Salesforce
  • Reports and dashboards
  • Admin and non-admin training documents

Additional enhancements after the go-live included: 

  • Campaign management integrated with their existing portal
  • Offline campaign management in Salesforce
  • Migration of existing campaign records in Salesforce
  • Lead management (individual and corporate)
  • Migration of existing lead records in Salesforce
  • Grant management
  • Admin and non-admin training document

Enhancing Enabling Leadership’s user experiences

EL’s front desk teams now have an efficient and easy-to-use tracking and reporting process with the flexibility to make adjustments in real-time. Without having to deal with time-consuming administrative tasks, EL can now focus on taking the organization to the next level and working on more important initiatives like getting word out and obtaining more donations to build the organization. 

User adoption of the new Salesforce system is high. The EL team took time out of their busy schedules to learn the new system with Silverline’s training materials, demos, and videos. 

“The Enabling Leadership team is impressed with MVP functionality and out-of-box reports and dashboards,” said an EL team member. “We did a lot of manual work through Google Sheets, and these reports and dashboards are very insightful and greatly reduce operations work. Users are very thrilled to use the new system and are having a fabulous experience.” 

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