As a part of our Silverline Cares initiative, any time the whole team is together is a time we take to give back. During our annual Summit last month, we volunteered with STEM Santa Fe.
STEM Santa Fe is a volunteer-based organization of STEM professionals serving as mentors and role models for under-represented groups in STEM. They advocate for, develop, and provide STEM programming, mentoring and resources for students to realize their potential and expand their opportunities in a dynamic world. They lead a wide array of hands-on, project-based STEM programs in Northern New Mexico that provide extended learning experiences for youth at low to no cost to the families.
On the second day of #SLXsummit, we all joined together to package up over 500 bags of materials for making small solar-powered cars. STEM Santa Fe participants use these parts to build and learn more about the mechanics, physics, and electricity required for a vehicle to move.
We also included notes of encouragement for those who opened their bags.
To get a taste of what young learners would be doing, we built 30 of those cars ourselves — in 30 minutes or less.
And of course, our 30 teams of volunteers had to test them out — and see who built the fastest vehicle.
After our race shenanigans, we were lucky enough to get a visit from STEM Santa Fe founder and CEO, Lina Germann. She talked to us about how they got their start and how their focus helps propel the youth of Santa Fe forward with essential STEM skills.
To learn more about STEM Santa Fe and how you can help or get involved, visit their website.
About Silverline Cares
Silverline Cares is a philanthropic initiative dedicated to the Pledge 1% model. Pledge 1% is a corporate philanthropy movement dedicated to making the community a key stakeholder in every business. Pledge 1% encourages and challenges individuals and companies to pledge 1% of equity, product, and employee time for their communities. Take the pledge today.