The Silverline Blog
Industry insights, Salesforce news, and more
Industry insights, Salesforce news, and more
Reading time: 2 minutes
I am not an avid Apple product user, but the line “there’s an app for that” (which I believe they ultimately trademarked) holds true in most circumstances.
Recently, it seems that new apps with the most publicity do not solely focus on novel solutions to problems, instead they represent modifications to prior concepts and do it with a snazzier UI, greater efficiency, or just a more robust offering.
Reading time: 2 minutes
Technology has a unique ability to replace the most classic items, even within the kitchen of your office. How many offices still maintain a standard coffee brewer? Not many I’m sure. It is not because the classic brewer (from entry level to gourmet) is inherently flawed; it’s because the Keurig and Nespresso’s of the world offer a compelling value statement. They have figured out how to completely transform a global, multi-billion dollar market through a unique delivery mechanism. The introduction of a pod based component to serve up tea, coffee, hot chocolate or a variety of other refreshments in an extremely short timeframe is not only more efficient, but offers tremendous flexibility in flavor options.
Reading time: 2 minutes
Every news channel is covering the issues that were revealed at the VA – boil it all down, there appears to have been secret “wait-lists” that masked the amount of time Vets waited to receive care so that the numbers looked better. This has potentially led to deaths, misdiagnoses, and also truly ineffective care coordination. Terrible.
Reading time: 2 minutes
In order to maintain a competitive advantage in the constantly evolving healthcare market, many organizations are investing in technology platforms that give them scalability to offer better tools, apps, and services. Even more intriguing is that these same organizations are diversifying their business model to offer up these services to other healthcare organizations and non-customers/patients.
Reading time: 2 minutes
According to an article on entitled “Healthcare finally warming to the Cloud”, which references Imprivata’s 2013 Desktop Virtualization Trends in Healthcare Report, it notates that only 30% of respondents were using the cloud. That’s a 21% increase over the prior year, but that still leaves 70% of healthcare organizations floating beneath the cloud, mainly due to lagging fear or uncertainty. This is changing.