The Silverline Blog
Industry insights, Salesforce news, and more
Industry insights, Salesforce news, and more
Reading time: 3 minutes
Referral Management in Healthcare is a hot topic. Terms like leakage, care continuity, and network integrity are tossed around with little regard for the patient being referred. Silverline believes the right approach to patient referral management is developing an Active Referral Management Program. Let’s take a look at some alarming statistics that indicate the need...
Reading time: 4 minutes
At Silverline, my role is a Solution Architect/Senior Business Analyst and I specialize in declarative builds. A couple months back, I received a request to build a custom Visualforce related-lists component for Silverline’s internal org. Though custom related lists for the Salesforce Classic UI have always been a common ask, there was a twist: The...
Reading time: 2 minutes
I recently had the opportunity to attend a Back to School event for the patients and families at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM). As part of our Silverline Cares initiative, Silverline co-sponsored the event with Salesforce. The event had a ton of fun events and goodies for the kids as they start preparing for...
Reading time: 3 minutes
Healthcare organizations have been performing telephonic nurse triage for decades. Traditionally, it has been a loss leader for a healthcare organization designed to raise awareness within the community and provide a service to consumers that, hopefully, raises awareness about the healthcare organization. However, as the healthcare reimbursement model has transitioned from fee for service to...
Reading time: 2 minutes
It’s a month after the 2nd Annual Witness Success Conference, and I am still thinking about and reflecting on the wonderful experience. I had the honor of facilitating a workshop and attending phenomenal sessions and keynotes. The theme for this year was Grit and Grace. Leslie Gestautus and I began working on our content in...
Reading time: 3 minutes
Having a clear, well-communicated organizational vision for digital transformation is the strongest predictor of success. Vision Led is Silverline’s first recommended driver in our 10 Keys to Successful Digital Transformation for a reason; it’s the first building block toward success. To start your strategy, it is natural to begin your program with a vision of...